Asphalt Rejuvenation
Asphalt Rejuvenation is designed to replace the oils that are lost during the asphalt aging. This aging – asphalt oxidation, is the process in which the effects of suns ray, water and air. Once applied, the Asphalt Rejuvenators penetrate into the surface carrying and replacing oils and seals the surface. Asphalt Rejuvenators do not peel, flake or chip off the surface after application.
WD-2000 (Coal Tar)
This product has been proven by testing preformed with in the United States by the FAA, independent testing labs for over 20 years. These test have shown that the product reverses the asphalt age by lowering the viscosity of the oil in the pavement and and increases flexibility of pavement. Once it penetrates into the surface, the lost oils and RT-12 are replaced under the surface. This is why Airports, Property Managers, (HOA) – Home Owners Associations and Shopping Center Developers look to see how the product performs— they find when comparing two, four and even six year old rejuvenated asphalt 1) looks the same dark color from curb to curb and 2) there is no extra wear from the product 3) halts future surface cracking. All in all, curb appeal is kept longer and the customers maintenance dollars are stretched longer over the pavement life.
AR-16 (Coal-Tar Free)
This product has been performing over the past five years after being independently being tested in labs for viscosity, flexibility, and ductility. A variety of test methods were used: PG Grading, MSCR and ABQT. It is being used as an alternative to seal coats and other products to address the coal tar bans in many states. 1) keeps the pavement black in color 2) more eco-friendly than traditional coal tar products 3) protects against outside elements that dry surface
Delta Mist (Plant-Based) 100% Green
Delta Mist™ penetrating Asphalt Rejuvenator is a liquid, plant-based product formulated by the Warner Babcock Institute for Green Chemistry (WBI). It is based on the original Delta S technology developed by Dr. John Warner and his staff of research scientists at WBI in 2014 utilizing the 12 Principals of Green Chemistry.
Delta Mist™ Rejuvenator is an emulsified version of Delta S® Rejuvenator, allowing to be sprayed as a topical rejuvenating seal that penetrates the surface and softens the asphalt binder to improve cohesion while retarding crack propagation of the pavement surface. This product penetrates the asphalt pavement surface up to 3/8 inch in depth to restore the oxidized asphalt and reduce the loss of fines and aggregates increasing the pavement service life. With the proper pavement surface preparation and application rate, this product 1) slows the asphalt oxidation process for up to three years with each application 2) dries in up to 90 minutes 3) applies clear to avoid surface re-painting
Asphalt Crack Sealing
Pavement cracking is an inevitable phenomenon that maintenance engineers have to accustom themselves to. It is impossible to construct a pavement that does not develop cracks after a certain amount of service time. Cracking is one of the two main concerns considered in the pavement design process (the other being rutting); it is the primary mode of deterioration in asphalt cement pavement. Cracking occurs in a variety of forms: transverse, longitudinal, block, and alligator shape. Cracks need to be treated promptly because they create openings for moisture to penetrate the pavement layers. Moisture or water can cause severe damage when trapped in the crack. Neglecting pavement cracking usually leads to accelerated deterioration of the pavement, resulting in significant problems such as potholes or base failures, which cause the serviceability of the pavement to decline.
Cracking, since it is such a major form of pavement deterioration, is usually the deciding factor in determining the proper time for rehabilitation and the appropriate method to be applied. When cracks develop on the surface of the pavement, it is a sign of reduction in pavement integrity and serviceability. Regular repair of pavement cracks is one of the main methods of preventive maintenance, since failure to repair cracks in a timely fashion can lead to accelerated deterioration of the pavement in the form of crack growth, spills, secondary cracks, and potholes. The main causes of pavement cracks are thermal movements and fatigue due to excessive loading. Cracking is an inevitable problem given the network of more than two million miles of asphalt surfaced roads in the United States. It is important to find effective solutions to minimize its effect and to extend the service life of our roads.
Crack repair consists of crack sealing and crack filling. Usually, crack sealing refers to routing cracks and placing material on the routed channel. Crack filling, on the other hand, refers to the placement of material in/on an uncut crack.
TRITechnologies employs a hot pour crack sealing extensively as a cost effective technique in preventive maintenance over a cold pour application. Preventive maintenance is characterized by its ability to preserve and extend the life of pavement. Since cracks on the pavement surface allow water and uncompressible materials such as sand, dirt, and other debris to enter the pavement structure, the presence of these cracks can dramatically accelerate deterioration and weakening. Sealing cracks prevents further deterioration of the pavement and, when properly executed, can extend the life of the pavement anywhere from 6 months to 4 years. In many cases, when roads are selected for a full width asphalt rejuvenation, cracks that are 1/4 inch or greater in width will require crack sealing prior to the asphalt rejuvenation.
Locate the 1/4 and larger cracks, using a air lance or a heated torch clean the crack of any dirt and vegetation. This process will help dry the crack and prepare the wall for the sealer. Apply the Hot pour sealant per manufactures specifications. 350 – 390 degrees. If needed apply a coat of sand over the surface to avoid the sealant from tracking. Leave areas closed down as needed to allow material to set up. Open to traffic once material is cooled down.
Fused- Bonded Overlay
Fused Bonded Overlay™ is the process of applying an Asphalt Rejuvenator to the surface of the old asphalt pavement before installing a new coat or overlay of new asphalt. The rule that civil engineers use in the field is for every inch of new asphalt that is laid down over old cracked or broken asphalt; you have a year before the cracks reflect back through the new surface. This reflection of the old cracks showing up into the new surface is a result of the old pavement expanding and contracting from temperature differences. The new asphalt layer is bonded to the surface of the old asphalt (glued). When a truck or car runs over the pavement, the asphalt is designed to flex. The new asphalt as well as the old asphalt moves up and down and side to side. The old cracks move and the attached new asphalt layer starts to give. The crack starts to move up and through the new asphalt surface. This process is helped with hot and cold temperatures. The old asphalt moves back and forth from the temperature change. The result is the same pattern of cracks that the client had in the old layer of asphalt that shows up within a year or two in the new asphalt surface. We offer a field proven alternative to our customers.
The process starts with edge milling or profile milling the old asphalt surface to prepare it for the new asphalt surface. Milling is the process of grinding off a layer of asphalt. This grinding asphalt or millings is returned to asphalt plants and is recycled into new asphalt. The milling is done also to aid in creating a positive flow of water to surface drains. Next, the same day the Rejuvenator is applied to the old asphalt and allowed to penetrate into the old asphalt surface for 12 – 16 hours. Next, the new layer of asphalt is installed over the rejuvenated surface. The new asphalt is installed at 250 degrees. This heated blanket of hot rocks and petroleum (new asphalt layer) super heats the rejuvenating oils in the surface of the old asphalt and fuses the old and new surface together. The heat also fuses the old cracks together. We have done this process for many clients over the past years with great success. We have seen little or no cracks reflect back into the new asphalt surface within the first 5 years.
Over the years contractors have used a temporary fix process of installing a fiber mat to the surface of the old pavement before the new asphalt surface is installed. This issue does resist the cracks reflecting through into the new asphalt. The issue we have seen in the field as an example is at 8 years when a client has repairs to make to there asphalt parking lot. Most of the time when a contractor excavates the old broken asphalt and encounters the mat, the contractor, in most cases, can not take the old asphalt back to the asphalt plant to be recycled because the mat is glued to the asphalt. So this old asphalt has to be trucked to the dump and in turn unknown additional fees are passed on to the client.

Line Painting & Markings
We use state of the art paint and supplies to install new lines, re-paint existing markings, curbs, traffic arrows, adding backgrounds to existing parking spaces and more. It is our desire to keep your asphalt parking lots ADA compliant, stunning and adding property value. We offer an array of crosswalk markings, stenciling, speed humps & bumps, car stops, and striping. It is so important to maximize parking lot effecient, traffic flow and designated parking. Our expert paint crew will seemlessly bring your dull paint back to life.